Medical Malpractice Going Unreported?

Oct 7, 2023 by Dodson & Hooks, APLC

Whenever we need medical care, we trust that the physician treating us is doing everything possible to help. We trust the medical professionals to decide on the proper care we should receive, and believe that the decisions that they make are in our best interests. If a complication arises, we want to have confidence in the doctors to be able to diagnose the problem, and quickly resolve the situation.
But, what if our physicians are the ones causing these complications? There are an alarming number of problems happening at hospitals nationwide that are the direct result of actions by medical professionals. And, perhaps more concerning to potential patients, many of these medical malpractice issues go unreported.
Patients that then visit these hospitals for treatment are completely unaware of the dangers that they may be facing. Doctors are reluctant to report other doctors’ mistakes due to the effect that this may have on their careers. Hospitals do not want this data to come out because it could lead patients to seek treatment elsewhere.

Some individuals in the industry are calling for more requirements to be put into place that allow more information to be reported. Both hospitals and physicians should track what happens with patients to show how successful they are in treating injuries, and what the potential for recovery may be.
Critics feel that this would force hospitals and medical professionals to report data on accidents that are simply that – accidents. Patients may not know the difference between an accident and medical malpractice, and may blame doctors for all of the problems that may arise.

Those that support these reporting procedures believe that they are necessary because they allow patients to make informed decisions. If one hospital has better results for treating serious injuries, patients should know that. They should be informed which doctors are making the most mistakes. Each error should be reported so that patients will know the risks associated with their treatment.
If you have been injured because of the care provided by a medical professional, speak to an experienced medical malpractice attorney in your area about your potential case. These situations can be quite complex, and will often require expert testimony to establish that the physician was negligent.

It is important to discuss your case as soon as possible, as it is critical to preserve evidence to help prove your case. If you wait too long, this information can be difficult to find. It might be a challenge to get hospitals or other health care providers to help you gather what you need to help prove your case.

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